Protocol to image and analyze hippocampal network dynamics in non-anesthetized mouse pups.
Ratsifandrihamanana MR, Dard RF, Denis J, Cossart R, Picardo MA - STAR protocols - Dec 2023
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RPM: An open-source Rotation Platform for open- and closed-loop vestibular stimulation in head-fixed Mice.
Cano-Ferrer X, Tran-Van-Minh A, Rancz E - Journal of neuroscience methods - Nov 2023
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A class-specific effect of dysmyelination on the excitability of hippocampal interneurons.
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Glutamatergic synaptic deficits in the prefrontal cortex of the Ts65Dn mouse model for Down syndrome.
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Grey matter heterotopia subtypes show specific morpho-electric signatures and network dynamics.
Vermoyal JC, Hardy D, Goirand-Lopez L, Vinck A, Silvagnoli L, Fortoul A, Francis F, Cappello S, Bureau I, Represa A, Cardoso C, Watrin F, Marissal T, Manent JB - Brain : a journal of neurology - Sep 2023
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Prominent in vivo influence of single interneurons in the developing barrel cortex.
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Lost in time: Relocating the perception of duration outside the brain.
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GluK2 is a target for gene therapy in drug-resistant Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.
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