Progression of Fetal Brain Lesions in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex.
Gelot AB, Represa A - Frontiers in neuroscience - Jan 2020
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Cell-type and endocannabinoid specific synapse connectivity in the adult nucleus accumbens core.
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The neuropharmacology of social behavior: From bench to bedside.
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Segregation of seizures and spreading depolarization across cortical layers.
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Kv1.1 contributes to a rapid homeostatic plasticity of intrinsic excitability in CA1 pyramidal neurons in vivo.
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Consequences of Perinatal Cannabis Exposure.
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Impaired regulation of KCC2 phosphorylation leads to neuronal network dysfunction and neurodevelopmental pathology.
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Cannabis and the Developing Brain: Insights into Its Long-Lasting Effects.
Hurd YL, Manzoni OJ, Pletnikov MV, Lee FS, Bhattacharyya S, Melis M - The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience - Oct 2019
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