Regulation and dysregulation of neuronal circuits by KARs.
Mulle C, Crépel V - Neuropharmacology - Jul 2021
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Oxytocin administration in neonates shapes hippocampal circuitry and restores social behavior in a mouse model of autism.
Bertoni A, Schaller F, Tyzio R, Gaillard S, Santini F, Xolin M, Diabira D, Vaidyanathan R, Matarazzo V, Medina I, Hammock E, Zhang J, Chini B, Gaiarsa JL, Muscatelli F - Molecular psychiatry - Jul 2021
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Probing the polarity of spontaneous perisomatic GABAergic synaptic transmission in the mouse CA3 circuit in vivo.
Dubanet O, Ferreira Gomes Da Silva A, Frick A, Hirase H, Beyeler A, Leinekugel X - Cell reports - Jul 2021
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Effects of urethane and isoflurane on the sensory evoked response and local blood flow in the early postnatal rat somatosensory cortex.
Shumkova V, Sitdikova V, Rechapov I, Leukhin A, Minlebaev M - Scientific reports - Mai 2021
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Leptin increases GABAergic synaptogenesis through the Rho guanine exchange factor β-PIX in developing hippocampal neurons.
Sahin GS, Luis Rodriguez-Llamas J, Dillon C, Medina I, Appleyard SM, Gaiarsa JL, Wayman GA - Science signaling - Mai 2021
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Attractor dynamics gate cortical information flow during decision-making.
Finkelstein A, Fontolan L, Economo MN, Li N, Romani S, Svoboda K - Nature neuroscience - Avr 2021
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Bad Timing for Epileptic Networks: Role of Temporal Dynamics in Seizures and Cognitive Deficits.
Lenck-Santini PP - Epilepsy currents - Mar 2021
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The Impact of Oxytocin on Neurite Outgrowth and Synaptic Proteins in Magel2-Deficient Mice.
Reichova A, Schaller F, Bukatova S, Bacova Z, Muscatelli F, Bakos J - Developmental neurobiology - Fev 2021
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