corlieve bis

Corlieve‘s lead program employs a novel AAV gene therapy approach for the treatment of refractory temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). The program is based on pioneering science from the scientific co-founders Valérie Crépel, Ph.D. (Inmed, Inserm / Aix Marseille university) and Christophe Mulle , Ph.D. (IINS, CNRS / Bordeaux Neurocampus), and is being developed in collaboration with REGENXBIO Inc. (Maryland, US),  a leading gene therapy company. In addition, Corlieve has licensed REGENXBIO’s NAV AAV9 technology for the TLE program. Corlieve is led and co-founded by Chief Executive Officer Richard Porter, who brings to the Company over 25 years of neuroscience leadership experience in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries.

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