Anatomical and electrophysiological studies on the reciprocal projections between the subthalamic nucleus and nucleus tegmenti pedunculopontinus in the rat.
Hammond C, Rouzaire-Dubois B, Féger J, Jackson A, Crossman AR - Neuroscience - Mai 1983
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Intracellular labelling of rat subthalamic neurones with horseradish peroxidase: computer analysis of dendrites and characterization of axon arborization.
Hammond C, Yelnik J - Neuroscience - Avr 1983
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Experimental hemiballism in the monkey produced by unilateral kainic acid lesion in corpus Luysii.
Hammond C, Feger J, Bioulac B, Souteyrand JP - Brain research - Aou 1979
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Pharmacological properties of acetylcholine-induced excitation of subthalamic nucleus neurones.
Feger J, Hammond C, Rouzaire-Dubois B - British journal of pharmacology - Mar 1979
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Pepipheral input to the rat subthalamic nucleus, an electrophysiological study.
Hammond C, Deniau JM, Rouzaire-Dubois B, Feger J - Neuroscience letters - Sep 1978
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Electrophysiological demonstration of an excitatory subthalamonigral pathway in the rat.
Hammond C, Deniau JM, Rizk A, Feger J - Brain research - Aou 1978
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A simple method for the serial sectioning of fresh brain and the removal of identifiable nuclei from stained sections for biochemical analysis.
Zigmond RE, Ben-Ari Y - Journal of neurochemistry - Jun 1976
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Exclusively inhibitory action of iontophoretic acetylcholine on single neurones of feline thalamus.
Ben-Ari Y, Kanazawa I, Kelly JS - Nature - Jan 1976
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