Tyzio R - Khalilov I - Represa A - Crepel V - Zilberter Y - Rheims S - Aniksztejn L - Cossart R - Nardou R - Mukhtarov M - Minlebaev M - Epsztein J - Milh M - Becq H - Jorquera I - Bulteau C - Fohlen M - Oliver V - Dulac O - Dorfmüller G - Delalande O - Ben-Ari Y - Khazipov R
Annals of neurology
The mechanisms of epileptogenesis in Sturge-Weber syndrome (SWS) are unknown. We explored the properties of neurons from human pediatric SWS cortex in vitro and tested in particular whether gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) excites neurons in SWS cortex, as has been suggested for various types of epilepsies.