
Kahn L - Alonso G - Robbe D - Bockaert J - Manzoni OJ


Neuroscience letters


We studied the roles of mGlu2/3 receptors (mGlu2/3) in glutamatergic transmission at corticostriatal synapses in mice brain slices. Perfusion of the selective mGlu2/3 agonists LY354740 and L-CCG1 caused the long term depression (LTD) of evoked synaptic responses. Photonic and electronic microscopy showed mGlu2/3 on axonal fibers and glial processes but not on striatal dendrites. mGlu2/3-LTD was independent of synaptic activity and insensitive to specific antagonists of dopamine D1, D2, GABA(B), N-methyl-D-aspartate or adenosine A1 receptors. Manipulation of the cAMP/protein kinase A cascade had no effect on the mGlu2/3-LTD. In contrast, MEK1-2 inhibitors reduced both mGlu2/3 initial depression and LTD suggesting the involvement of the mitogen activated kinase pathway in mGlu2/3-LTD.

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